Cati Jean "Cati's Beginner Ballet Class #1" - Ballet Online Dance Class

This class is designed for beginner dancers that already have a basic classical knowledge. We will have a simple barre and center to really focus on using the floor and the energy of expansion.

  • Pliés: We want to make sure to feel tall as we plié (bend); keep our heels on the floor on the demis pliés and really go through the articulation of your feet for the relevés. When using the ports de bras for our stretches forward, side to side and back, push your legs to the ground while you are lifting up from your waist.
  • Tendus: We want to make sure to brush and push through the ground while using the articulation of your feet. Your working knee and leg should be straight while the supporting leg stays tall. Always keep your hips square while using your external rotation.
  • For the Medium tempo Tendus, we are working on the accent Out and In gaining more momentum from the ground to obtain more dynamic. We are still making sure to using the articulation of our feet on the brush. Careful not to sickle. Lengthen the top of your foot without turning your toes in. When élevés, keep your balance over in between your big and second toe.
  • Dégagés should have the same foot quality in the brush but with more energy. The supporting leg is pulled up, hips are stable and the core is engaged to avoid any loose shaking in the torso. Careful not to tense your shoulder, arms and fingers. When an exercise gets faster, one tends to tense these areas.
  • Ronds de jambes: The supporting leg is pulled up, hips are stable and the core is engaged as your leg does the half circle En-dehors/outward and En dedans/ Inward. Keep the external rotation and create a smooth pattern. Watch your arms as you may emphasize the focus on your legs. Your back should be held to maintain these arms.
  • En Fondus, both legs will work in unison as you bend and stretch the legs at the same time. You need to control your speed as this exercise is slow. Do not rush. The work and developpé comes from your "bas de jambe" lower part of your leg from your knee joint to foot. You need to develop your leg from the attitude and not from your hip. Belly is pulled up.
  • Your Frappés should be very specific. We are going from a flex to a pointe to warm up the ankles. This is a preparation for your jumps. Keep that knee out when coming back from the Frappé.
  • For our Développés, we will work a la hauteur (hip level) but be careful to bring your hip with your working leg. Watch that glut wanting to help the leg a la seconde. The glut and the hip stay down. The pattern of your legs and arms is a very important one to practice. BREATHE!!
  • The Grands Battements will be worked above the hip. The tendus and dégagés are leading you to the grands battement. The energy is very high and the momentum comes from the floor. Keep that spine long and careful not to lift your shoulders as your lift your legs. Shoulders will stay down with a long neck.
  • Center Exercise: We are using our brushes and the barre work to execute our Tendus. Our supporting leg should be pulled up, our core engaged and our arms held from our back and chest muscles. The shift from one leg to the other will be a challenge. You can do this exercise with Dégagés.
  • Glissades is from one leg to an other. Glissade is a glide in French. We are traveling that step. It is a light jump in a traveling space. Make sure that you start with a deep plié in 5th to a brush with a firm dégagés and close back to a fifth plié.The Sus-sous is a tight fifth en relevé. The legs are embracing each other in the mid center.
  • Echappés mean "escaped". The escape is from the 5th to the second. These échappés are "glissés" (glide) / A terre (To the ground). They stay on the ground with a quick glide. The legs are pulled up. The arms will remain a la seconde. Make sure not to tense your upper body, shoulders and arms as you execute this. There is quick in the legs and graceful in the upper body.
  • Petits sauts / Petit allegro are quick and and bright. They are graceful and not forceful. You should use that plié before and after your jumps. Press these heels on the ground. Keep your torso held and present. Careful not to sit/ slouch when you land. It is a medium tempo so you should try to push that jump high:)
  • Have fun!