Faded image of people kneeling fist raised for Black Live Matters protests, with a Martin Luther King quote written on top.

Outraged... That in this day and age, we are still witnessing racial disparity at such a large scale, allowing history to only repeat itself over and over. DancePlug will not stand for the unequal treatment of people of color in our communities, in our countries, in our world.

Hopeful... That voices are being heard, that changes are being made, and that this is not yet another passing thought. It is a long road to equality, but only by continuing to march forward, will we reach our destination.

We urge our community, beyond dance, to not be bystanders on this road. Do not just nod your head as you watch others walk by. Take action. We all are THIS SOCIETY.

There are many ways for a single individual to take action. Here are some useful resources to start with. On our end, DancePlug has donated to the NAACP and Color of Change. We will continue to educate ourselves on the issue, we will continue to find ways to support, not because it is a "trending" thing to do, but because it is the right thing to do.

Anh Dillon & Glyn Gray, founders of DancePlug, Inc.