Mecca Vazie Andrews "Clear Level and Quality Changes" - Contemporary Online Dance Class/Choreography Tutorial

This progression is great for working on details such as, levels, shape development, and transitioning from various movement qualities.

  • Hit sharp on 1 and immediately change your movement quality to lift and float to your downstage diagonal.
  • Consider the arm positions you are creating and how they relate to your contraction on 2 and that the contraction/center leads you into your pivot on 3 and 4.
  • On count 5 you are thinking of three things A. pushing off your right leg and bringing it to pase turned out to firmly transfer your weight to your left B. turning out your left leg C. Allowing a subtle exhale instigate the center to begin this change of picture and transfer of weight FEEL FREE TO DO AN INSIDE TURNED OUT PIROUETTE BEGINNING ON THE AND COUNT FOR MORE OF A CHALLENGE!
  • After you establish a RADICAL turned out fourth position in releve picture in the lower body with a contraction pulling the torso off center... abandon that sucker and go parallel executing the modified cramproll. Releasing the torso making sure to travel with the stomach arriving at the desired destination first and end low in a deep parallel pliĆ©.